11 Q's with a model Terence Mad

  1. When did you start modeling?
    Terence: At 15 went to a modeling school, which don’t ever do 16. I was signed with a little local commerciql agency. Then I got braces. At 19 I went to a music festival and this is when things started to happen. I was photographed by Vogue and started working with Ryan McGinley. So you can say I started when I was 19 freelancing. Around 20-21 I was signed with another bogus agency with an exclusive contract in NYC.
    That did not work out so I got myself out of it and came back to Philadelphia. Freelanced in Philly.

  2. Tips that helped you to become confident in yourself.
    Terence: Look in the mirror and compliment yourself. No matter how outlandish it sounds, do it. Once you become comfortable with everything on you, you will be unstoppable.
    Tell yourself “ I am strong, powerful, beautiful, intelligent. My personal favorite is “this is my time and all I have to do is take it!”
    Learn your angles. Do your research, look at magazines as a reference, not a Bible. Once you get an idea, put the magazine down, start practicing in the mirror. You want to learn what looks good for your face shape. Learn to work the muscles in your face.
    Work with quality photographers. You want to work with people, who have the same passion for the work as you do. That way they are going to push you to be the best you can be. Plus you’ll learn new poses that you didn’t think you could do.